
Get the Py5Graphics drawing surface as a PIL Image object.


example picture for to_pil()

def setup():
    g = py5.create_graphics(80, 80)
    with g.begin_draw():
        for x in range(0, g.width, 10):
            g.line(x, 0, x, g.height)

    img = g.to_pil()
    img = img.rotate(45)
    py5.image(img, 10, 10)


Get the Py5Graphics drawing surface as a PIL Image object. The returned PIL Image object can include the entirety of the Py5Graphics drawing surface or a rectangular subsection. Use the x, y, h, and w parameters to specify the bounds of a rectangular subsection.

This method is the same as to_pil() but linked to a Py5Graphics object.


to_pil() -> PIL_Image

    x: int,  # x-coordinate of the source's upper left corner
    y: int,  # y-coordinate of the source's upper left corner
    w: int,  # source width
    h: int,  # source height
) -> PIL_Image

Updated on August 07, 2023 14:29:21pm UTC