
Register a callable or module when programming in py5’s Processing Mode.


import numpy as np

import py5_tools
import py5

def alter_image(msg: str, img: py5.Py5Image):
    py5.println("PYTHON:", msg)
    py5.println("PYTHON:", img)

    img.np_pixels[::2, ::2] = [255, 255, 0, 0]

    return img

py5_tools.register_processing_mode_key('test_transfer', alter_image)
py5_tools.register_processing_mode_key('np', np)



Register a callable or module when programming in py5’s Processing Mode. This will make Python code available to Processing Mode py5 users to call in Java with the callPython() method. Please read py5’s online documentation to learn more about Processing Mode.

The value parameter can be a callable, a module or an object. If value is a module or an object, the key parameter in the Java callPython() call should use dots (”.”) to access the module’s or object’s callables.


    key: str,  # key used from Processing Mode callPython() method
    value: Union[Callable, ModuleType],  # callable or module to link to key
    callback_once: bool = False  # deregister key after single use
) -> None

Updated on April 16, 2023 17:26:49pm UTC